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MC Else - is a rapper, songwriter, music producer, photo model, singer, and co-founder of Kromp Room Records label. She is a member of the music band EKS-port (along with Kromproom since 2008). MC Else collaborated with Kromproom, Jens Esch Centurio, and Carlos Perón (ex. Yello) because of this cooperation her part of the work is published by Eisenberg (owner is Carlos Perón) and Warner Chappell Music. As well, in 2009, together with Kromproom, she raised a music label, which runs today. In 2012 with the help of Jens Esch Centurio, the label was registered under the name Kromp Room Records in Germany. Since then, the artist releases her work under the name of her own label.

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Photos by Krompiu


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