After a long break Piotr Krompiewski is happy to be back here

 After a long break Piotr Krompiewski is happy to be back here and to share some new information with us. Over the last few months a lot has changed in his personal and artistic life. Among other things, these changes have led him to return to his original project called Kromproom. Work on the latest Kromproom's single is coming to an end, which will feature the original version of the track, a version for radio stations and a surprise "bonus track".

Piotr Krompiewski known as Kromproom sitting in an open office and behind him two hanging paintings painted by Milan Kaplan, owner of PROEBIZ
Piotr Krompiewski aka Kromproom

Since 2015 Kromproom started sending his creative energy towards other artists such as Agressiva 69, BlueForge, Outsized, Blind Passenger, Kings in White, Blitzkrieg and others. He also paid more attention to the development of the KROMP ROOM RECORDS label. The changes that have come have led him to take stock of his own work emotionally. As he wrote in this article, music was and is therapy for him. When he listened to his own work a few days ago, he felt sadness, confusion, fear in the music, and that's why he reached the audience of the "dark" music world with his electronics. Albums like Black Import (Kromproom), Abgrund (EKS-port), Darkness (Centurio and Kromproom) are the best examples of that and of course artistically he is not ashamed of those productions.

Emotionally the exception is his second album called Tenacity, where Kromproom wanted to prove to himself that he is strong and resilient. This album is dynamic, full of energy, but in retrospect he noticed that it was recorded at a time when naivety was growing in him. Kromproom thought he was strong and resilient but it was an illusion.

He decided to change that and the latest release Kromproom will be aimed at people who want to, but don't yet have enough strength to change their lives for the better. He believes that the latest Kromproom will turn people's heads towards the light and not towards the sewers, which is where it is usually dark. He has come to understand that black is in fashion, but that light, which is among other things a symbol of goodness, is far more mysterious. We often hear that people learns throughout their life, this is true, but let us not learn from the evil one. He will always come to us with flowers and under the guise of something good will lead us astray.
